Espresso for life. "Why is there no espresso machine that always works without maintenance?" Geert Kaal and Sabine Palinckx wondered this when they had already worn out a number of espresso machines. They needed an espresso machine that stands for durability and quality, and will not end up as waste. That is why they started developing an espresso machine that will last for generations eight years ago. They dived into the art of making a good espresso. For this you need freshly ground coffee beans,water of approximately 95 degrees and at least 9 bar pressure. You can get fresh beans everywhere, water at 95 degrees can be found in many households with the arrival of boiling water taps. To manually build a constant pres- sure was the challenge they took on. With a team of technical go-getters they have develo- ped, tested and adapted for years and the job is now done!

